Topic 5 - Lessons learnt & future practice
This is it. It has taken me a while to put the learning experiences together and reflect upon how my journey in this course has been. As I look back at my first blog post, I realise that a small step has been taken. I manage to write a few blog posts! As some of the fellow ONL course participants, I also believe this could be the last blog entry for a while. The picture above shows a swirl, or whirl, which made me think of the expression "I was caught up in a whirl of work", where the word whirl describes a moment of confused movement . This is the reason for my choice of image for this post. It is how I could describe my journey in this course: a whirl. If we think of learning as doing things differently next time we do the same thing, I have learned a number of things, mainly from other course participants. It has been a turbulent few months spent trying to keep all the 'plates whirling around' without falling. I feel I need time to let a number of ideas si...